Armando Acosta

Armando Acosta was borne at Mexico City, on June 15th, 1973. He finished studying high school at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), where he participated in the sportive activities through the club’s soccer team. After facing some difficulties, he decided to migrate to the United States looking to improve his financial situation.
Because of problems related to the abuse of alcohol at his youth, he currently is an active member at the fight against this disease; he contributes as a speaker at Alcoholic Anonymous groups and, among other activities, nowadays he’s teaching workshops with such end.
His literary work is directed at the Hispanic community at the United States, and, in general, to the people who are having problems with alcohol.
His affinity for literature started since he was very young, after reading some adventure and mystery novels, such as: Around the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne; The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe; The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry; The Hundred and One Dalmatians, by Dodie Smith; and Triptofanito, by Julio Frenk; just to mention a few. Currently, in the mystery genre, some of his favorite books are: Carrie, Cujo, It and Pet Sematary, all written by Stephen King, who inspired him to write.
In the Latin American literature, he enjoys authors such as: Carlos Fuentes, Juan Rulfo, Gabriel García Márquez and José Emilio Pacheco; on the other hand, he also likes the books from: Eckhart Tolle, Ryan Holiday, Charles Duhigg, Carol S. Dweck, James Hollis, Bruce Lipton, and Daniel J. Siegel. Some of the most influential books during his recovery from alcoholism, which also contributed to define his literary style as an independent author, were: The power of the habit, Flow, The power of now, The obstacle in the way, The biology of believe, and Why do good people do bad things.
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